Bolay, M. (Forthcoming). Des réseaux aux chaînes d'approvisionnement. Économies morales et performances de moralisation dans le commerce de l'or au Mali post 2012. Politique Africaine, 166

Bolay, M., Schulz, Y. (Forthcoming). Les conditions disputées d’un approvisionnement « responsable » en or: Vigilance, traçabilité et transparence dans le secteur suisse de l’affinage. Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement, 249.

Bolay, M., Calvão, F. (2022). Labour, Incorporated: Dependent contracting and wageless work in Africa’s ‘responsible’ mines. Cahiers d'études africaines, 245-246: 123-151. [link]

Calvão, F., Bolay, M., Bell, L. (2021). Dis/connection Matters: Natural, Synthetic, Digital. Special issue of Tsanta - Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26. Link to Introduction and to the Special Issue

Calvão, F., Bell, L. (2021). From Ashes to Diamonds Making Lab-grown Afterlife. Tsanta - Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26: 122-138. [link]

Bolay, M. (2021). Fabricating the Integrity of Gold in Refineries Digital Visibility and Divisibility. Tsanta - Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26: 85-104. [link]

Calvão, F., & Archer, M. (2021). Digital extraction: Blockchain traceability in mineral supply chains. Political Geography, 87, 102381. [link]

Bolay, M. (2021). Disentangling Mining and Migratory Routes in West Africa: Decisions to Move in Migranticised Settings. Social Inclusion, 9(1): 235–246. [link]

Calvão, F., Mcdonald, Catherine E.A., Bolay, M. (2021) Cobalt mining and the corporate outsourcing of responsibility in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The extractive industries and society. [link]         

Bolay, M. & Knierzinger, J. (2021). Corporate gift or political sacrifice? State-sponsored CSR and electricity provision in Guinean extractive enclaves, Political Geography, 84:102300 [link]

Schulz, Y., Bolay, M., Hertz, E. (2020). Les limites de l’autoréglementation dans le secteur suisse de l’affinage d’or. Une analyse sous l’angle de l’initiative pour des multinationales responsables. Penser la Suisse - [link]

Post, E. & Calvão, F. (2020). Mythical Islands of Value: Free Ports, Offshore Capitalism, and Art Capital. Arts 9(4), 100; [link]

Calvão, F. (2020) “Transparent Minerals and Opaque Diamond Origins”, in Walsh, Andrew and Elizabeth Ferry (ed.), Anthropology of Precious Minerals, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. [link]

Bolay, M. & Calvão, F. (2020). Seeing inside the stone. Visual refractions and the apprenticeship of evaluation in the global diamond industry. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 14(3). [link]

Bolay, M. & Calvão, F. (2020). Voir dans la pierre. Réfractions visuelles et apprentissage du métier d’évaluateur dans l'industrie globale du diamant. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 14(3). [link]

Harvey, J. and Petrunina, D. (2019). Swiss due diligence and coloured gems. Mapping the swiss coloured gemstones sector in the context of business and human rights. Capstone Project report, IHEID. [link]

Calvão, F. (2019). Crypto‐miners: Digital labor and the power of blockchain technology. Economic Anthropology, 6(1), 123-134. [link]

Brazeal, B. (2019). Central Asian crypto-Jews in the global emerald economy. The Extractive Industries and Society. [link]

Calvão, F. and Gronwald, V.  (2019). Blockchain in the Mining Industry: Implications for sustainable development in Africa. SAIIA Policy Insights, 74. [link]